Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 2 aka $9 Beer Day

Well guys, day #2 in Quebec was a great success! It rained all night and all this morning, so I had a rainy bus ride to school this morning. I got to class on time and class was a blasty blast. We worked on the past tense and played the game Taboo in French! My word was Baril (Barrel) and it was tuff describing it in French.

But overall a great class, afterwards I went to subway, and I ordered a 6 inch turkey sub in the worst French possible, but the lady was very nice and helped me with everything. At least she could tell I was trying, but now I know how to order it in French next time. I ate my French subway in the student lounge and did my homework, and while this was happening the Swiss girl I met yesterday came in and asked if I wanted to walk around after her class and grab a cold beer, so of course I did. We walked for about an hour and saw some cool stuff then ate at Pub St. Patrick, that Irish pub I talked about earlier. It was delish, I had a burger made form Buffalo meat, so good, and a Magners, which is an Irish cider kinda like Woodchuck. I paid $9.50 Canadian for it though, all of the beer is sooooo expensive in the tourist district.

But I saw some amazing things in the old city, and I saw some cool stuff in the newer parts of town. There's alot of Graffiti everywhere, and the picture above is the coolest graffiti I saw today. It's not like gang stuff, b/c it's very artsy.

Hopefully I can rest up tonight, my new Swiss friend and I are gonna watch the hockey game tomorrow night at the Pub Turf, which is a sports bar downtown, and hopefully I can recruit some other people to go also and enjoy Canada's past-time. Well until tomorrow my loyal followers aka people with nothing else to do but follow my stupid blog...au revoir!!! Je t'aime!!

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