Sunday, June 6, 2010

Friday Night and Rainy Saturday Afternoon

Well I guess I should update y'all on my weekend, my loyal followers...

Friday: Friday night was fun, I went out with Breton and Leah to this bar called Les Vautes de Napoleon (Napoleon's Vaults), and it was badass!!! It's kind of hidden down some stairs on this street with bars and restaurants on it, and it took us a little while to actually find the damn place. I asked these three big Canadian guys, and luckily their advice helped. We actually got a table there and ordered two pitchers of "White" beer, and let me tell you, it was the most disgusting thing I've ever drank in my life...And we freaking had two of them! Oh well, we were champs and drank 'em, because even in Canada I don't let good beer go to waste. Also, there were these two guys playing acoustic guitar and singing songs in French and English. They were really good, and everyone was singing along. I knew all of the English songs, such as "Save Tonight" "Ring of Fire" "I'm Yours" etc. But yeah, for some reason people here love Johnny Cash and Elvis, which is cool, but they are like in love with them! But yeah, had fun at that bar, and I left around 12:30 am to catch the 1am bus. Needless to say I was a bit tipsy walking down the streets of Quebec.

Saturday: I didn't want to sit around and do nothing, so I got out and went down to the Bas Ville (lower city) which took me about 10 minutes to walk down there, and I walked down this street called St. Joseph for awhile just looking in the shops and stuff, I took some good pictures and some some cool stuff, including the huge library, which I really need to visit at some point. After that I went to the Museum called le Musée de la Civilization. It was pretty damn cool, and was mostly about Quebec. But they had a cool exhibition on the Human Mind and how studying the human mind has changed over history. They also had an amazing exhibition called "Riff" which showed the impact of African Americans on modern music. It was so cool, because if you have an ipod touch or iphone you automatically have access to the audio guides for all of the exhibits. So I could listen to everything for free in English or French. The Riff exhibit was awesome, mostly because you could listen to so much good music, such as Ray Charles, Chuck Berry, and stuff like that. The museum is really interactive and there's so much to see and do.

After the museum I went to a cigar bar called "Société Cigare" and had myself a fat Cuban cigar!! It was pretty expensive *cough cough* but worth it! I sat there and smoked in a big leather chair while watching Tennis. It was AMAZING. So yeah, that was my Saturday in a nutshell...I pretty much just chilled out last night, I didn't feel like going out, but I finally got to sleep some.

Right now I'm sitting in a cafe and just watching the rain and people on Rue St. Jean, it's pretty cool. Tomorrow it's spose to rain again, but the rest of the week is hopefully sunny. I really want to go to the park and hang out in the sunshine...

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