Friday, June 18, 2010

Last days in Quebec

Well guys, it's the end of my studies here in Quebec. I had a blast and did a lot of cool stuff.

Tuesday Night we went out to the Pub Nelligan's for some Irish music and cold beer. We had a blast talking and listening to some great music. Wednesday I had my last Cuban cigar in Canada, it was a Romeo y Julieta Romeo #2, it was DELISH and I really like that cigar bar. Wednesday night I went to the Quebec Capitales baseball game (pictured above), and we got seats for $6 and sat behind home plate. It was a good game and Quebec beat the crap out of Sussex. Most of the guys are from Quebec or Latin America on the Capitales team, but they all can hit pretty well. The only bad thing is their defense, all of them throw like girls, but oh well it is Canadian baseball.

Thursday I ate Putine for the first time, which is French fries with a gravy like sauce and curded cheese on top, and I also added grilled chicken. It was OK, it wasn't the best thing I've ever eaten, the cheese tasted really weird, but wasn't bad either. Then Thursday night I went to 5 a 7 to hang out with people from school, which was pretty fun. Afterwards we went to the Grands Allée and because they were having a huge party on the street. It was pretty cool, lots of music and booze and Canadians all in one place. After about an hour we went to Pub Turf and drank copious amounts of Labatt's Blue, because it's cheap on Thursday nights, and we played foosball like it was going out of style. I lost only 2 games of foosball the whole night, maybe it's my true calling....Anyways, my last class was great this morning. We watched a movie on Maurice Richard, the most famous Montreal Canadiens player, and went to the Observatory which overlooks the whole city. Pretty cool, and it was very sad saying bye to everyone. Hopefully I can stay in touch with Jason and Bret, they were really cool guys that I'm glad I got to meet.

Overall this was a great experience, it took me out of my element and put me into a place where I knew no one, spoke the language terribly, and had to adapt to another culture, and I think i handled it very well. Sure it got lonely here at times, but I met some great people, saw some amazing things, and I will always be able to say I lived in Quebec for 3 weeks and had a blast! Thanks for following my travels, and I'll probably post one more little blurb for my return to the greatest country on earth, AMERICA!!!!

A bientot America! Au Revoir Quebec!! Je me souviens!!!

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