Sunday, June 13, 2010

Montréal in 24 Hours

Well guys, here it is...My 24 hours in Montreal...

We left Quebec city at 6:30 PM Friday evening, and we used this service called Allostop, which is a carpooling service where you can ride with other people going to Montreal for only $19. So you just find a time that works for you on the schedule of drivers going and sign up to ride with them. We signed up to ride with Juan, who turned out to be a really latino guy with a piece of crap Toyota Corolla....Yeah, just our luck. All the other drivers we saw had like nice cars and stuff, but we got ole Juan! He was nice and got us there safely, even if it wasn't the most comfortable ride. But after 2 1/2 hours we arrived in Montreal! He dropped us off at a Metro station, and we took the train to a stop near our Hostel. Needless to say our first glimpse of Montreal was cool, we were in St. Victoria square, and it was very pretty at night. But then we got kind of lost on our way to the Hostel, that wasn't fun at all...But we eventually got there and checked in, and we got two beds in the top dorm, which was five bunk beds in an open room. We met some kids from San Francisco, and they didn't know french, so we just spoke to them in English. They quickly made fun of my southern accent, bastards...Oh well, at least I'm not a rich kid art student from San Fran....Anyways, we went out Friday night and found a cool sports bar to drink at on Rue St. Catherine. We had some beer and talked to a couple of Montreal guys who were very nice.

They told us about a cool blues bar a couple blocks up, and we walked up there, turns out it was a $10 cover, so we said screw that and went to another place. The bars in Montreal weren't really that fun, unless you wanted to go to a dance club. But since we are two southern white boys with no rhythm we decided against that...So around like 1 AM we decided to take the Metro back to our Hostel...Only problem is the Metro was CLOSED. Yes, that's right, we were stuck in downtown Montreal at 1 AM with no idea how to get back to our Hostel besides the Metro, and I only had 10 bux cash, UGH. We asked some cops how to get back, they said the bus runs all night, but we barely miss the next bus. By this point we said screw it and grabbed a cab, which was great b/c it only cost us 7 bux! So then we went to "sleep" back at the Hostel, which means we both got 3 hours of sleep, due to all the noise and rudeness that comes with staying in a room with 8 other people.

Saturday: We got going from the Hostel at about 10 am and went looking around. We went down to Cresent street to see the Formula 1 activities, since the Formula 1 race was in Montreal that day. It was kinda cool, soooo many people, but I got a free Gillette razor out of it, so guess I cannot complain! we walked around for awhile, saw the Bell Centre where the Montreal Canadiens play. There was a huge line outside with people, and by people I mean parents and their young daughters, buying Justin Beiber tickets! hahaha! But it was pretty cool, and then around 2 PM we found this Irish bar called Hurley's on Cresent St. that was showing the USA vs. England world cup game. We watched the game there and had a couple of cold beers. There were a ton of people wearing England gear and cheering for them... Apparently 80% of Canada was cheering for the Brits, b/c of their "colonial roots"...Really? england? No wonder no one can take you serious Canada...But luckily we tied and the Brit fans couldn't taunt us.

After that we made reservations to ride back to Quebec city, since we didn't have a place to stay Saturday night and we were too tired, broke, and fed up with Montreal to stay another night. Bret broke his camera and had many problems while we were there that I won't begin to go into. Needless to say he was over Montreal. We rode back with a guy named Dali in a Ford Winstar, much better ride than we had with Juan. We made it back safely to Quebec city and I've never been so happy to see Quebec.

Well, hope you enjoyed reading about my 24 hours in Montreal, it was cool, but most deff not as fun as I thought it'd be. Maybe I'll go back again when I have the kind of money to do more stuff there, it's a very expensive town. But anywho, 5 more days left in Quebec after today!!!! I miss the USA, and being in Montreal made me really see how much I love the States. I'm going to watch the Germany vs. Australia game today at Pub Turf with Bret, Jason, Kristan (who is from Germany), Dean (a Brit who works for the BBC), and maybe some others. So yeah, a regular International affair!!

Miss you all and cannot wait to set foot back in the USofA in 5 days!!! A Bientot!!!

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