Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thursday and Friday

Sorry for not updating more often this past week, but I tried to stay busy and all that, so haven't really had the time to type away on the ole Blog.

Well, Thursday was a good day! I went to class, and then afterwards I went to mass with Jason at the Basilique de Notre Dame which is right next to our school. It was very interesting, and he gave me a little book with all the prayers and sayings in it so I could follow along. After mass, we went down to a Monastery for the St. Augustine Monks, and it was pretty cool, I didn't take any pictures inside, because I didn't want to offend anyone. After that we went to a small Jesuit church near the Port de St Louis, and that too was very cool. It was kind of hidden away on the street, and there was a cool tour guide who showed us around and told us the history of the church. It was built in the 1600's, and it has a baller organ. The tour guide is also the organ player, and he showed us how the organ works, so cool.

Thursday night I went to 5 à 7 to speak some french with my professors and other students, it was cool, we went to an Irish bar called Pub Galway. I had fish and chips, which wasn't very good...Honestly I haven't eaten anything here that was that phenomenal so far since I've been in Quebec, I really miss American food...Anyways, we had some fun at Galway, and then we all went to this bar called the Sacrilege, where we stayed the rest of the night. It was pretty cool too, and I met some nice people I hadn't met yet at the school.

Friday: My teacher took us over to Lévy friday morning, the place I wrote about last week where they have the cool chocolate shop. And we walked around the small town, and my teacher grew up there, so she told us alot about it. We also toured the house of Dejardins, who had a major influence on the development of Credit Unions in North America. After seeing the town we went to the chocolate shop and all had ice cream. I had a vanilla cone dipped in dark chocolate. mmmmmmm It was amazing! I also bought some chocolate to bring back to some special people.

Friday afternoon I packed my stuff and did my final preparations to go to Montreal. I met up with Bret at the school around 4:30 pm, and from there our adventure began! I will dedicate a whole new post to Montreal, so hold on to your seats blog followers!!!

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