Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Irish Music and A Waterfall

Well loyal followers, sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I've been busy trying to get to Montreal, and just lazy...

So yeah, Monday was uneventful to talk about, but TUESDAY!!! I went to this Irish bar called Pub le Nelligan's. And it was freaking awesome. It was a little small, but had that intimate feel, and they even had candles everywhere. They have live Irish music every tuesday night, and by live I mean a bunch of musicians just show up and played Irish music together. They jammed out, and it was pretty badass. I went with Bret and Jason, and we sat at a little table, which we were lucky to get. By about 9pm it was packed and getting rowdy. We all had a couple pints of Harp, and then Jason bought a pitcher of Harp. So our idea of having a couple of beers and just chillin became lets get drunk...Oh well, we drank like champs and had a great time. Jason is a really cool guy, he is studying to become a Catholic priest, which you wouldn't realize if you talk to the guy for awhile, he's just so laid back and cool.

We met this French girl who is from Alsace, France and she teaches English in a Quebec high school. She kept listening in on our conversations, since yes we were speaking English, so sue me....But we kept catching her staring at us, so finally we talked to her, and her and her friends were really cool. They were playing this weird dice game, which I still don't get. After that I took the bus home, and like a champ went to class this morning. Albeit a lil tired.

Today I went with Daniel, the FSU kid, to the waterfall outside of town. It took us like 45 minutes each way to get there by bus, but it was soooo worth it. It was already a gorgeous day, and seeing something like that really made me see how much of a miracle the world is. We walked around a good bit, including about a million god awful stairs....UGH But it was awesome, and we had a blast. Hope you like the pictures above of it. BUt yeah, and Bret and I booked our ride to Montreal this evening, so I'll keep y'all posted on that little excursion.

Hope you enjoyed my new post, miss you all, and je t'aime!

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