Friday, June 4, 2010

5 à 7 and Friday

I’ve had a wonderful Friday. I went on a scavenger hunt with my class through the old part of town. We had a sheet with 18 questions on it, and we had to find the answers, so has what’s the name of the church on the corner of Rue St. Jean, and stuff like that. It was pretty fun, and my teammate Jason and I found everything, but we got lost a couple of times. Luckily people here are nice and helped us out a lot.

After class I went to this little place called Couche Tard (Sleep Late) and got a sandwich with Leah, whom I met last night at 5 à 7, which is something the school does every Thursday from 5pm to 7pm at a bar or restaurant, and all of the professors attend and they encourage everyone to go so we can practice our French. We went to an Indian place, and I had chicken cooked in butter, and it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the greatest thing that I’ve ever eaten. But I met a guy from Tennessee named Breton, and we went around the corner and bought a couple of beers, yes I bought PBR!!! B/c the Indian place allows you to bring your own Beer and Wine, so that was pretty damn awesome. I had two PBRs for a dollar each!

After 5 à 7, Leah, Breton, Jason, Christina and myself went to the Pub Turf, where I watched hockey the other night, and we had a couple pitchers of Labatt’s Blue while we kinda got to know each other. They are all pretty cool people, too bad Leah and Christina leave tomorrow. At around 11 pm the place turns into a dance club pretty much, and they were playing a ton of hip hop and pop from America, it was hilarious to watch them try to dance and sing all of the words in English.

But back to lunch today…Leah and I grabbed a sandwhich and ate in this little park, which was very pretty today, the sun is shining and it’s very very nice out. After lunch I decided to take a little walk and wander a bit. I ended up walking probably 2 miles, but it’s cool I got to see a lot of the town. When I wrote this post I was sitting at a little café called “Picardie” drinking a strong ass cup of coffee, and it’s got nothing on Starbucks…

Tonight I’m meeting up with Leah and Bret to go to a club, like a real live club, because it’s Leah’s last night here and she hasn’t been to one yet. Hopefully I can fist pump like a champ and show em how we do in Clemson. We’ll see where this night takes me…Even if it’s just to my bed.

Well until tomorrow, À bientot!!!

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