Monday, June 14, 2010


Well just thought I'd point out that Clemson is going to the COLLEGE WORLD SERIES!!!!

So I walked the 6 miles to class this morning down by the river on the promenade...WORST IDEA EVER!!!!! I was sooooo damn tired afterwards, but at least my calves are looking beastly, and I probably burned about 600 calories. But yeah, I had the gamecast up for the Clemson game pretty much the whole last part of class, she already caught me checking the score on my iPod a million times, so finally I just put my laptop out in front of me and watch the end. All I know is our relief pitching better freaking grow some balls before Arizona State....I don't know how you give up 5 runs on freaking TWO OUTS IN THE BOTTOM OF THE NINTH!!!!

Ok, calming down now. Well I'm glad I'll be back in time to watch the start of the College World Series, and hopefully my Tigers can keep on rollin!!! GO TIGERS!!

Four more days in Quebec, and I'll be damn glad to be back in the USofA. A Bientot!!!

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