Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Journey to Lévy and Pub Turf

Well, yesterday was a pretty fun day overall! After class I went across the river to this little town called Lévy, and it's at the top of a huge hill, so we took the boat over there for $6 and had to climb up a ton of stairs to get to the town. But at the top it was really pretty, and I had an amazing view of Quebec. We ate at a small cafe called Aux P'tits Oignons and it was AMAZING. I had this tomato cream soup, pasta with mozzarella and tomatoes on it, and a sweet bread pudding that was very very good and an espresso for only $9. Apparently most cafes have a lunch menu where you can have three courses like that for less than $10. Afterwards we went into the chocolate shop across the street, and while I didn't buy anything, the smell was absolutely seductive.

After all the amazing food we returned to Quebec city and I came back to my host mom's house to finish my homework and eat dinner. I made plans to meet up with Daniel, the kid from FSU at a bar called le Turf Pub, and we met up at 8pm to watch hockey and drink. We had this shot called a "stinger" and it was whiskey and mint, and I nearly threw up in my mouth after taking it...ugh But the beer wasn't too expensive and I drank Bud Light and multiple Lebatt Blues. Daniel challenged some Canadian guys to some foosball, so we played two games with them. We won the first game and they won the second. They were super nice and told us the real rules for foosball, and afterwards we talked and drank for about an hour. They gave me a ton of tips on things to do in Quebec and Montreal, and told me about a cheap way to travel to Montreal called AlloStop. I'm going to look into it for next weekend. I took a bus home, which is good b/c even if I'd had a car I couldn't drive home by that point, and quickly passed out. But the pub was pretty fun, and everyone was cheering for the Blackhawks because the Flyers eliminated the Canadiens...Oy vey. But overall it was a great experience and I hope I can find some fun things to do tonight that'll be just as epic!

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