Monday, May 31, 2010

First Day

Well guys, I have completed my first day in Quebec! It is a gorgeous city with tons of cool places to see and it's very clean and easy to navigate. It took me 25 minutes to get form the house I'm staying out to my bus stop, but it's not a terrible ride. I met some cool people this morning. I met a girl from Switzerland and a girl from Germany, but neither of them are in my class. I also met a guy from Florida State named Daniel. He seems like a pretty cool dude and maybe we can hang out while we're here.

I didn't have class until 1:00 pm so I walked around all morning trying to find cool places. I saw alot of touristy places and cool cafes, and I ate at a cafe near my school. My waiter was super cool and he told me about some cool bars to hang out at. My only problem was that people kept speaking english to me as soon as I spoke French to them, which was frustrating. Made me feel like my French sucked. BUt either way I didn't do terrible. I talked to two nice ladies on the bus this morning and they got me to my stop so I wouldn't get lost.

My teacher's name is Julie, and she seems pretty baller. There are 4 others in my class, two of them American, one Canadian, and one Chilean. We had a good class today and I'm totally looking forward to tomorrow. I have homework, but it's easy.

I was surprised though today how safe it feels here and how nice everything is, but everything in the stores and cafes is pretty expensive. I paid $10 for a salad and soup at that cafe, but it was delish and totally worth it. I was going to go watch the hockey game at a bar downtown called Pub Turf, but I decided not to, I'm too tired to move! Hopefully on Wednesday I can make it down there and watch Hockey with Canadians. They are hockey crazy here, there's hockey stuff EVERYWHERE.

But that's pretty much it for today, not exciting I know, but hopefully the craziness with begin soon!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bienvenue au Quebec!!!

Well guys, I finally made it! I'm in Quebec City, Canada. My flight experience wasn't too bad today, but I'm pretty damn tired from all the traveling. I arrived at Charlotte airport at 7ish this morning, my first flight to Newark was ahead of schedule so we left at 9:15am and arrived in Newark at 11:00am, so not bad. I hung out in Newark for about 3 hours, which was kind of boring. Thank you to all of my amazing friends who'd text with me so I wouldn't claw my eyes out.

The second flight from Newark to Quebec was a pretty decent flight also, but it got delayed for 20 minutes because of a flat tire....I told them we shoulda called AAA. But flying into Quebec was cool, even though it's really smokey here, because of a forest fire raging to the north.

My host mom seems so cool, she cooked spaghetti tonight, and there are two high school girls from Nashville staying here also, and a girl from Venezuela whom I haven't met yet. But Madame Dorothy showed us to the bus stop and told us some important survival info, and I feel really good now about tomorrow!

Hopefully I can find a cool sports bar to watch the stanley cup at, because apparently that's the cool thing to do here. And of course I'll be cheering for the Flyers because of my buds D-Dub and Jordan!!!

Well guys, hopefully the shenanigans will start soon and I can start posting some fun stuff, but for now I'm gonna get ready for my first day in Quebec tomorrow and rest up. A bientot!!!

PS...They have Esso here!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Got me some Canadian Dolla Dolla Bills

And yes I know that "got me some" is not correct grammar, but I only did it to get under someone's know who you are...

But anywho, I decided that the exchange rate was enough in my favor so I ordered $300 Canadian Dollars today, and it only cost me $292 American dollars. HEY OH! I just hope the American dollar can keep kicking ass on the market so I can save more money in Canada. It's already going to cost me a 3% fee every time I use my debit card up there, so hopefully I can use as much cash as possible.

Also, I hit up target and got some necessities; shampoo, shaving cream, deodorant, magazines, etc. Got some new Under Armor socks, because I love my feet that much, and under garments, b/c I see ya girls lookin' at my trunks. Now I just need new flippy floppies, but moms is going to buy those for me. So yeah, boring post I know, but it also mens I'm that much closer to going up to the Great White North! Tomorrow I'll start getting my clothes together and all that good mess.

So until next time, you stay classy blog readers...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Host Mom and Plane Ticket

My host mom e-mailed me back today. I had sent her an e-mail on Monday to tell her when I was going to arrive in Quebec and all that good mess. She seems pretty nice. She told me to let her know if I needed anything and gave me some tips about Quebec. Apparently she has wireless internet, so I'll be able to keep up with all of this which is AWESOME! I can't wait to get there and meet her, and hopefully have some good times. Also, I booked my flight on Monday, I leave Charlotte on May 30th at 9:15 am. I have a freaking 4 hour lay over in Newark, NJ. What the hell am I gong to do in New Jersey for 4 hours?! Oh well, should be a good time.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Registered and Ready to Go

So this is my official blog for my trip to Quebec City, Canada. I will be participating in a French Immersion program at Bouchereau Lingua International en Quebec City. I'm pretty pumped about it, and hopefully I can see some cool stuff and meet cool people while improving my Français. I'm going tomorrow to get some Canadian money and book my flight. I leave May 30th, and hopefully I can have some epic adventures to share with y'all. I'm already pumped about living with a 60 yr. old French-Canadian woman and her dog. Maybe she'll teach me how to knit or something, since that's her favorite hobby. Either way it's going to be LEGEN- wait for it......


PS. I'm am most deff going to that Irish pub while i'm there...